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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Making new friends

It's weird being an "adult" and trying to make new friends. Or maybe the weird thing is how you just sort of stop making new friends once you're out of school, where you're no longest forced to be with the same people all the time whether you like it or not.

Anyway, I think I may have started to make a new friend completely unrelated to a school thing the other day. I was coming home from the gym and in the parking lot of our complex I saw a girl in her 30s loading an Ashford traditional spinning wheel into her car. I went up and started a conversation with her ("I'm glad to see another spinner here etc"). We chatted a little bit and agreed it was pretty  cool to meet another spinner in person in our age range. And she works at a yarn store I like part time too so that's awesome.

I friended her on facebook and hopefully we can meet up and do a spinning night sometimes. It'd be so cool to have someone near by who spins. She's a beginner like me too so hopefully we can learn from each other. Yay for new friends! Hopefully she's as weird as me and we can bring her into the fold of weird awesome people.

P.S. we went out last night to celebrate passing the bar. This is the first time I've been out on a weekend night to the bars in like forever. I'd forgot there would be other people there and they might try and talk to me. This is how I felt:

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