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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fun at the Aquarium

While we were on the coast we took my nephew to the Aquarium. He is almost 18 months so we weren't sure if he would enjoy it or just sorta be meh.

He LOVED it.

He doesn't know a lot of words (or he can't say a ton of words although he understands a lot) but he knows a word that sounds like fish (more or less, if you speak toddler and you see him pointing at a fish). And as we walked around the aquarium he would light up and point and say FISH! and then look at us to make sure we knew that there were these awesome fish swimming around RIGHT NEXT TO US.

My sister and I always love visiting the water mammals: the seat otters, seals, etc. Alex was pretty much only interested in the things that could 100% sustain life under water.

When can we go back to the fish mom?

Our aquarium is pretty cool. They do a different main exhibit every summer, and this summer's is all about ship wrecks and how marine archeologists research and explore wrecks. It was full of really awesome educational info that my sister and I appreciated and that Alex probably would have liked if he were able to read/understand what was going on. We will definitely have to renew our memberships when he gets older.

Alex at the touching pool.
Alex likes to push the stroller, but he can't really steer.

And I even got a bit of knitting done. I worked on my vanilla latte socks when we needed to take breaks from walking around and I got through shaping the sleeves on my East village sweater during the car ride (and at the house on the coast, but it's part of the trip).

Today is also my step mom (one of them)'s birthday. So we went to another local winery for dinner and it was delicious. I borrowed my sister's long fuzzy coat and felt like a russian bond girl all night.

We left the winery right during the middle of the awesome lunar eclipse.

Not a great pic but the best my phone can do with my shaky hands.
And now I'm getting ready to go get Cooper from the airport. It's been such a long boring week without him, I'm so excited to see him again.

So all in all, a very successful weekend.

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